Mystery School FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Mystery School answered
This Mystery School provides a practical course of study in the Occult Sciences by teaching the hidden facts about Man and the Universe by postal correspondence. These facts include all that modern science has discovered about the material world, as well as subjects of which material science knows little or nothing, such as the occult constitution of Man and the invisible realms that surround our physical, material world. You can find a brief list of the many subjects this School teaches on our Study occult science page as well as on the other pages of this website (see menu at left).

Image © Copyright Joseph Parker—'Untitled', 1973, oil on canvas
What is the aim of the Mystery School's teachings?
The primary aim is to instruct its students in the hidden laws and principles of the occult sciences, the mastery of which will allow them to lead more useful and happy lives, which, by force of example, will aid mankind in general along its path of more or less blind existence.
Does the School provide one-to-one tuition?
Yes. Each student is assigned a Teacher when they are admitted to Membership who is qualified to answer any questions related to the work. Such questions receive prompt, personal attention from the Teacher assigned to each student.
Does it cost to join this School?
No. There is no application fee. The ONLY fees charged are for the purpose of preparing, printing and posting course materials. Current subscriptions are £90 per quarter (3 months) in the UK; £120 outside the UK. Subscriptions may be remitted every 3, 6, or 12 months. More information about this is included in the School's Manifesto.
Do the teachings of this School conflict with any religion?
No. The School teaches the Natural Laws of the Universe and none of its Teachings are in conflict with the highest ideals of any religion. Its studies are intended to elevate the minds of its students to the highest realms of Light where they can discover Peace, Truth, Wisdom and Happiness.
Does the School organise meetings or group sessions for students?
No. The School teaches by postal correspondence ONLY which does not include personal contacts or meetings of ANY kind. The reason is that the School aims at a total suppression of the PERSONAL element which so often leads to disruption and strife amongst even the finest groups of occult students and mystics, thus avoiding the personal glorification of one—or more—students, at the expense of the others. This is an old and well established occult law; too often unknown, ignored or forgotten.
Does the School teach any rituals or spells?
No. The study course provided by the School does NOT include any 'ritual' work, except insofar as the spiritual exercises and experiments it gives its students could be classed as such.
What qualifications are needed?
An open mind and a sincere desire to improve yourself. A good level of literacy and English comprehension are also required. If English is not your first language, or you have difficulty in reading, writing and understanding English, the studies this School teaches may be too difficult for you. If you are going to succeed, you will also need special gifts which are denied to the average person; such as the power of persistence, concentration, loyalty, humility and sincerity. You must be able to work hard for your own advancement and not be put off by everyday matters. It is useless to pretend that today we have less time for truly elevated study than was the case in olden times. In olden times people were just as busy with the ordinary things of life, but they rushed about less and may have been more sincere.
Does the School award degrees or diplomas?
No. As we said in the introduction to this page, this school provides a practical course of study in the Occult Sciences. It is not a theoretical 'talking shop' designed to pander to the vanity of those who are looking for another useless badge of merit to add to their occult CV.
Can I leave the School if I want to?
Yes. Students have complete and absolute freedom to leave any time they wish, without repercussions of any sort. We mention this because we have met many seekers, affiliated to small or large occult groups, who walk about with FEAR in their hearts and minds on account of the great and terrible oaths they have been made to swear. Let us state most emphatically that this sort of mental slavery is against all Occult or Natural Laws.
How can I find out more?
By sending off for the School's Manifesto and Application Form.